"GOOD MOOOOOORRRRRNNNING NEVERLAND!" ("...Good morning, Mr. Matt...")
Beautiful morning, beautiful morning. The sun is shinin,' the coffee's brewin,' the blog is writin,' and already I'm ready to share this wedding that Amy and I had the chance, nay, fortune to photograph.
It is my great pleasure to introduce to you...
...the Death Elevator. Kidding, but when you're on the clock, less than 30 minutes away from the ceremony and you need to get downstairs as soon as possible from the top floor, it's amazing how many bridesmaids, aunties, and photographers you can fit into a slow elevator with the bride. It was worse than a clown car.
On to the couple at hand. Here's Angela and Josh in their rockabilly themed git' up, complete with suspenders, skinny ties, polka-dotted dresses, and Chuck Taylors.
That's right. Bride and groom Chuck Taylors. These suckers were custom.
So there were a lot of special aspects to their wedding that set it apart from other weddings Amy and I have had the chance to photograph. Not only was there a unique theming to their attire, but there was also a special touch that was near and dear to my heart, having lost an aunt to cancer a few years ago. Instead of boutonnieres and corsages, there were these babies:
Angela's best friend Lorenda had passed away last August from cancer, and to both raise breast cancer awareness and honor Lorenda, the entire wedding party wore pink ribbons. The part that REALLY got me choked up was the bridal party arrangement. There were five groomsmen, one set apart from the rest with a pink shirt, and on the corresponding bridesmaid side, minus one bridesmaid with this pink rose in its place.
Angela's bouquet also had these charms attached.
I know it's hard to feel that loss, and I thought this was a very unique touch from Angela and Josh. Although this was an emotional gesture, this wedding party was anything but somber on this special day.
"Dead sexy" is probably a better adjective to use.
I love it when the group knows how to get down and have a good time, and this wedding party was no exception.
I've known Angela since 2011 when we happened to not only have a chemistry class together at CNM, but also work together at Presbyterian Hospital back when I was working in the emergency room full-time. When Josh started on in the IT department, that's when Angela's life changed. I was so happy when Angela announced the engagement and asked me to be their photographer because I knew that she was in good hands with him. I remember having to stop by her office for work-related stuff and seeing flowers and notes on her desk from time to time. Glad you put a ring on it, sir.
Along for the ride are Josh's girls, Jayden and Alexus.
Being a part of a blended family myself, I thought it was beautiful that they incorporated a sand ceremony into the wedding, and that the girls had their own seats at the head table. When you include your kids in the wedding, it's special because it's not "my wedding," but "our wedding."
One of my favorite things about the wedding were the colors (and not just because they match my Haunted Mansion coffee mug that I'm sipping from at the moment). I've always loved darker colors like royal purple and gray, and the color theming was executed flawlessly in every detail, from the dresses and suits to the bouquet and the rings.
Even the venue was perfect for the wedding. Although the day was rainy (which I understand is to be good luck when it rains on your wedding day), their colors accented the day perfectly and brought out a vibe all its own.
Ladies and gentlemen, please assist me in giving a warm congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Romo...
...wishing them a lifetime of love, happiness, and good fortune.
That's all for today folks. It's been great chatting with you, and I hope to talk to you again soon.
Jun 23, 2015, 6:31:44 PM
Matt Blasing - Oh man, Amy and I got all goosey and blubbery over that comment! That really means a lot to us that you enjoy the photos long after your big day is over. Your wedding, although caught in a torrential downpour, was BEAUTIFUL. Besides, rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good luck, right? ;)
We can't wait to do the family photos either. Youse guys are so much fun to be around.
Jun 22, 2015, 7:20:19 PM
Mr. & Mrs. Romo - WOW! Every bride has her thoughts and expectations for her wedding day and when it comes down to the DAY all thoughts are geared around those dreams and some nerves will take over wanting it to be perfect. Well....I have to say that our wedding day was perfect not only the way I dreamed of it but the way Josh wanted it as well. We as the Bride and Groom only get to see the day through our eyes and very minimal throughout the day. I have to say the Matt and Amy captured every moment that we couldn't see and just the way I pictured them too be. We are in complete ahh... of their work. Looking back at them I shed tears of joy and happiness not only because its my wedding day but because of Matt and Amy's talent. Knowing Matt for awhile he has always been pleasant to be around. Funny when needed and professional when called upon.
Thank you so much for making our day even more special. We will be using you next for those family pics.